Saturday 19 May 2007

Kate & Anna McGarrigle - Kate & Anna McGarrigle (1975) (@256)

! After such a thorough review on Rufus Wainwright's latest release, I am in a position to declare that his album stands next to Arcade Fire's as the best albums of this year so far.

Listening again to the title's album, I discovered something that could be a tricky question in a music quiz: 'Which is the first time Rufus Wainwright's name is mentioned in discography?' Well in his mother's (Kate) and his aunt's (Anna) first lp, on the back cover we read: "A special thank-you to Anna Krauck who cared for Little Rufus while we were in New York and to Gaby McGarrigle who did the same in California". Rufus had been born in 1973, so he was 2 years old. Apart from this trivia, be prepared to get haunted by this magical album.

review link (allmusic): here

download link: here


  1. Την ίδια χρονιά ο μπαμπάς του, Loudon Wainwright III, κυκλοφόρησε το Unrequited που περιείχε το Rufus Is a Tit Man.

  2. A real classic. You can tell where Rufus Wainwright got his voice from!

  3. Hi alan f - never too late, I got it - thank you.

    Happy new year to you & your readers. Mick from oz

  4. Happy new year to you as well.
