Saturday 19 June 2010

10,000 Maniacs - In My Tribe (1987) (@320)

Natalie Merchant released an album earlier this year that you simply cannot miss. The richness of her emotions and the honesty of her intentions are combined to give us a warm, witty and bold array of songs.
The uploaded album is the most successful one of her group, the 10,000 Maniacs. The music is a beautiful blend of subtle pop with elements of folk, while the social commentary of the lyrics is expressed in a not so apparent way yet making it more effective. Finally, the production of Peter Asher (one half of the duo Peter and Gordon and famous producer of James Taylor and Linda Ronstadt among many others) should not be overlooked since it added decisive points to the final result.

review link: here

download link: here


  1. i checked this out. i probably wouldn't have known it existed with out you so thanks! keep up the great posts please. xo
