Monday 28 December 2009

White Noise - An Electric Storm (1969) (@256)

This one is part of the tribute to Island records that started some months ago. We are still in the various/uncategorised part of the tribute. This latest upload truly explores uncharted territories. A genre of its own, a totally adventurous recording, I assure you that it will fry your brain cells. Handle with care.

review link: here (allmusic) and here (pitchfork)

download link: here (link removed due to a relevant request)


  1. Καλησπερα και καλη χρονια.Βρεθηκανε τα δεκα πρωτα και θα τα ανεβασω σταδιακα(ξερεις που).
    Θα τσεκαρω και ποια μου λειπουν και θα σε ενημερωσω.

  2. Χρόνια πολλά και από μένα. Σ' ευχαριστώ
