Monday 21 December 2009

Rage Against The Machine IS Christmas Number One!!!

Celebrating Christmas with Rage Against The Machine at number one of the UK singles chart. Hats off to these guys.
Oh... and I stand opposed to those grumbling "You pay Sony either way" or "the Fuck You I Won't Do What You Tell Me is not what all those people that bought RATM did". RATM already told that part of the proceeds will go to charity. I don't think that it would be the same with the X-Factor shit, would it? As for the second argue, I'll quote a part of the lyrics of Which Side Are You On: "Poor folks ain’t got a chance, unless they organize"; all those people that bought RATM didn't go with the flow, but they organised to oppose it. After all, it's a victory of the music I love over the kind of music that nobody will remember next Christmas.
You can also check here for the same issue.

Now that the campaign has ended you can download a live clip (in avi format) of Killing In The Name performed live at Mexico City here.


  1. The revolution always gets televised, always becomes a shining example of the system it sets out to destroy. And that is exactly what these people have done with RATM. Yes, better to have this than Simon Cowell's chosen fuckwits, but still, this is kneeling down before mammon and sucking Satan's cock; the charts are the charts, and it's sad to see RATM forced into this ridiculous position.

  2. Interesting point Anon but after all it's a small positive sign that many people managed to express their disbelief to what they impose to us. The charts are the charts, but the charts are also a mirror of the general public, so such reaction was a strong comment that we are fed up. And if it's sad for RATM, then it would be the same with any other group had been chosen by the organisers of the campaign; we would end up with the same rubbish and we wouldn't be entitled to say anything. Finally, it was just an idea. For the people that didn't like it (and for those who liked it as well), it would be very fertile to try to apply their (our) own.

  3. I was a bit grumpy about this last night, but tonight I am positive (it helps that I've been listening to the Battle of Los Angeles album all day). Ultimately, it's wonderful that RATM are our Christmas No 1; it's a very cool fuck-you to the arseholes who run the music industry, however much there's a dark side to it (this is life, after all, you need a bit of yin and for your yang).

  4. It's for sure that there's a dark side to it, just to make it tastier. Summing it up, it had much more positive than negative aspects. btw thanks for the comments and for the high quality conversation. I'll be glad to see you back here.

  5. Thanks alan f; interesting conversation for sure. I've been visiting your blog for over a year now and am a great fan. Many thanks for your efforts; it never fails to amaze me, the dedication of good souls such as yourself. Long may you sail...
