Sunday 13 December 2009

Flowered Up - Weekender (12'') (1992) (@256)

Sometimes when you hear about an artist's death you feel that you've lost a close person of yours. It's when this artist's music has been utterly connected with a certain period of your life...

That's the way I felt when I heard about Liam Maher's death, at the age of 41. At the beginning of the 90's, with his group Flowered Up gave us some sparkling singles, a decent album (were Joe Strummer had participated) and... Weekender. A 13-minute single which, along with its video clip, marked the soundtrack of a whole generation by giving a precise documentation of the club culture. Suddenly, all the kids that were just spending their whole week through tedious, low-wage jobs just to become the heroes of themselves from Saturday 6pm to Sunday 6am had found their anthem. It's unbelievable that this masterpiece was the last moment in group's history (they didn't even manage to put it in an album), rather than the beginning of more such glorious moments. But, after all, such hedonistic culture was not meant to last for long. As Heavenly (their first and last label - London records was in between) boss Jeff Barrett said: "Liam and Flowered Up burned beautifully and brightly at exactly the right time. They had their moment and seized it by the bollocks"
RIP Liam. Go out, have a good time...

Weekender (amazingly its lyrics cannot be found anywhere in the web)
I see you everyday, you walk the same way
You go to work, Friday is payday
Give it up, give your wife up

Weekender – weekender
Go out, have a good time
Weekender – weekender
Go out have a good, good – good, good time

What you say weekender, we can work it out
We’ll work it all out
Don’t you hate, hate what you are
I’ll give it up, I’ll give it to you, you
Come on weekender, we’ll go out,
We’ll have a good, the best times


Right weekender, hows about we work it out
Weekender we could have such a good time
Show you, help you, a better way, a better day
A better way
A better life – weekender
Right, weekender we’re going out
You wash, blow dry your hair
New shoes, new suit
Oh, I say you look so super
Weekender you’re looking good


Don’t you hate, don’t you hate what you are
Don’t you hate what you are I ask, I ask you
Look around, don’t you feel a clown
Weekender, fuck off
Fuck off and die – I’m hating you
I hate you – goodbye
I’m slipping, weekender – weekender
Slipping down – down
Weekender weekender
Go out have a good time – the best time
Go away – away away away – sit back
Let it flow
Just like a little (have a good time)
Have a good time, have a good – good time
No work just party – party!
You got a new skirt, you got a new suit
Saved your life for a two day flirt boy
You pay the price coz Monday sure does hurt
Tell at work your weekend tale
Still need the pleasure of dirty sale
Monday’s back – what can you do?


Been away. Been away. You’ve seen a lot wow, wow
Weekender whatever you do - just make sure what
ya doing makes you happy

check also:
Liam Maher remembered by W.I.Z., the director of Weekender (NME)
"How Liam Maher from Flowered Up changed my life" by Robin Turner (Guardian)

download link: here (mirrorcreator) and here (rapidshare)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thank you for a great mix of music. The commentary is insightful and helpful for music I am not familiar with-until I listen. Keep up the good work. I'll be back often.

  3. I'll be glad to see you back here DaveRob.

  4. A really cool tribute to a very talented some ways the track 'Weekender' exists as a fractal representation of the band itself; a single glorious moment of sonic excess that owes as much to late sixties English psychedelia than it does to Chicago and Ibiza...along with FSOL's Papua New Guinea and A Guy Called Gerald's 'Voodoo Ray' this is the song that for me defines that whole period from 1988 to 1992 before the acid house split into a thousand sub-genres and people realised they could make a career out of it.
    Though it is not often talked about, Liam was far from alone in succumbing to heroin addiction and there are still many people from that era even now struggling to get/stay clean.
    Thanks for posting the track in such good quality and thanks for putting up the anthem to doomed chemical youth if ever there was one.

  5. a really cool comment; could be an essential part of the post itself.
