Sunday 4 January 2009

Birthday Party - Live in Athens, Sporting, Sep. 17,1982

Harold Pinter passed away on Dec. 24, 2008. He had written twenty-nine plays among which The Birthday Party, The Caretaker, The Homecoming, and Betrayal marked the second half of the 20th century. His works comprise an anatomy of the contemporary British society. Pinter's influence as a playwright is enormous; very important figures such as Sam Shepard and David Mamet have been strongly influenced by him. He has also worked as a screenwriter for movies such as The Servant, The Go-Between, The French Lieutenant's Woman, The Trial (1993), and Sleuth (2007), while he is also responsible for adapting his aforementioned plays. He had also been an actor, director and poet.
Pinter was also a vigorous political activist; an artist that was living, breathing, realising and outspeaking the problems of the society of which his was a member. In 2005, in his acceptance speech, given from a wheelchair, for the Nobel price award for literature, he strongly attacked the US foreign policy arguing that "the United States supported and in many cases engendered every rightwing military dictatorship in the world after the end of the Second World War" and continued his speech giving examples. Later on, for the same subject, in a phrase full of irony regarding the respective policy of the media, he said: "It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening, it wasn't happening. It didn't matter. It was of no interest." Of course, his Nobel speech was only a tiny part of his overall attitude.
During the 80's, his was constantly criticizing Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, while in 1999 he strongly opposed the involvement of the United Nations in the war in Kosovo. As for the invasion in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq, he cited Tony Blair and George W. Bush as mass murderers and war criminals.

Check also:
Harold Pinter (wiki)
Guardian's obituary
Guardian's pictures

Pinter's Nobel speech

Today's upload offers a bootleg recording of Nick Cave's group before the Bad Seeds, the Birthday Party, the name of which many claim that pays homage to Pinter's famous play. Their sound, a disturbing blend of post-punk and industrial, is, of course, some thousand miles away from what a contemporary fan of the Bad Seeds expects to listen to. This concert documents a group with a primitive, dirty sound, equally violent and poetic with a self-destructive frontman howling to conjure his demons, provoking the audience to follow him. It is interesting to note that this was one of the very first concerts given in Greece by western rock artists; from what we can hear, the audience that attended were a little bit "unprepared" for such a sonic and visual assault...
That night, the Birthday Party were: Nick Cave (vocals), Rowland S. Howard (guitar), Tracy Pew (bass), Mick Harvey (drums), Jim Thirlwell (aka Foetus) (saxophone)

01-Hamlet Pow Pow Pow
02-Sonny's Burning
03-6'' Gold Blade
04-Deep In The Woods
05-Dim Locator
06-Fears Of Gun
07-Still Burning
08-Release The Bats
09-She's Hit

download link: here


  1. Γεια καί καλή χρονιά !
    Κατα τύχη μπήκα , κατέβασα διάφορα...ευχαριστώ!

  2. καλή χρονιά και σε σένα

  3. thanks kakophonia... you Cave, Bargeld, Harvey, Howard etc hardcore fan. You own a great blog yourself.

  4. Great post from a good, insightful blog. Pinter has always been a fav. He's missed already. thx.

  5. Alan,

    Thank you for this fantastic post and for the Birthday Party show. I'm not sure how I missed this the first time but better late than never. FYI: I'm adding you to our Blogroll at Nick Cave Fixes.


  6. Αυτό κι αν είναι δώρο από τον Άγιο Βασίλη! Ευχαριστώ!

    Υ.Γ. Στην υγεία του συγχωρεμένου R.S.H...

  7. Ευχαριστώ silentcrossing.

    RIP Howard

  8. Με τρέλανες alan f, χίλια ευχαριστώ!!! Ήμουν σ'αυτή τη συναυλία, δεν θα την ξεχάσω ποτέ, έκλαιγα κι έτρεμα σαν μαλάκας πανάθεμά με. Περίμενα να παίξουν κομμάτια κι από το Prayers on Fire, το ήξερα απ' έξω κι ανακατωτά, νάναι καλά ο Πετρίδης που μας μάθαινε τίποτα της προκοπής στο ραδιόφωνο! Ειδικά γιά τότε, το μόνο που είχαμε δει live από "ξένα" ήταν Ian Gillan Band και Steppenwolf - η κατάντια μας... Φαντάσου πως μας ήρθε το Junkyard! Τριήμερο φεστιβάλ, δεύτερη μέρα μετά από Birthday είδα με φωτοτυπημένο εισητήριο (όπως και πολλοί άλλοι) τούς Fall. Τρίτη μέρα έπαιζαν οι New Order - ξενέρωμα μετά τον Cave, δεν τους είδα, έφυγα πίσω γιά Θεσσαλονίκη. Θυμάμαι ένα φρικιό που κρατούσε πολύ ώρα το πόδι του Cave κι έκλαιγε. Μου ξύπνησες αναμνήσεις, νάσαι καλά alan f! RIP Tracy and Rowland.

  9. Waw, sorry για την καθυστερημένη απάντηση, αλλά μόλις σήμερα είδα το σχόλιό σου. Εγώ λόγω ηλικίας δεν ήμουν στην ιστορική από κάθε άποψη συναυλία, που φαίνεται ότι σε σημάδεψε, όπως εξάλλου και πολύ ακόμα κόσμο. Κάτι τέτοιο έχει συμβεί και σε μένα για όσες (μεταγενέστερες) συναυλίες οι αναμνήσεις μου είναι τόσο ζωντανές όσο οι δικές σου. Τέλος, προφανώς τεράστιο respect στον Πετρίδη, μας έμαθε όλους να ακούμε μουσική.

  10. Interesting post, wish I could read the Greek comments! I found your blog because I was talking about this gig the other night and wanted to find the dates on google. The show was part of a three-night festival with The Fall and New Order on the other nights, probably my three favourite bands that year. To say the audience was blown away is an understatement. I went on holiday to Greece a couple of years later and met some music fans who were still outraged that Bernard Sumner had thrown his melodica into the crowd in the middle of the gig.

    I was talking about this gig with some friends at the weekend to show how things have changed since the internet (I'd just been to see Grinderman). I saw a one sentence mention of this gig in the NME a few weeks earlier and booked a flight from London to Athens not having any idea where the gigs actually were. On arrival we easily managed to buy tickets in a record store off Syntagma Square, but I guess if the same show happened now I'd be able to book the tickets from my sofa in south London.

  11. The greek comments, like yours, present some extremely vivid memories of the concert. It seems that it was indeed an unforgettable experience for the vast percentage of the audience.
    Btw, I also have the New Order gig from that festival.
