Thursday 8 January 2009

Beth Gibbons & Rustin Man - Out Of Season (2002) (@256)

Portishead's Third was at the top of my favourite albums for 2008. It was difficult to imagine that a group that remained practically inactive for more than ten years would evolve their sound to release a jaw-dropping modern masterpiece. They indeed gave us an album that although it could be filed under "experimental" through its bleak, dark, perfectionist music, it also sounds so direct, humanised and warm. Very few albums have ever achieved that.

This current upload is the collaboration of Portishead's singer Beth Gibbons with Paul Webb (the bassist of Talk Talk under the pseudonym Rustin Man) which proved that Gibbons could perfectly function under a totally different texture than that of Portishead's. Far away from trip hop, Gibbons and Webb penned a series of songs which drew their heritage mainly from folk, and which let Gibbons's devastating vocals sparkle.

album review link: here

download link: here (linked removed due to a DMCA :-(


  1. this i've got to hear - i just love her voice.



  2. i own this CD but am downloading it anyway - will be nice to have on the computer and i never bothered to rip my albums. thanks you did.
    also, i got here via recessed-filter.blogspot and it seems your blog is going to be a wonderful place to pay a visit more often. i hope some of the older links are still working (spotted War of the Worlds somewhere down - oh, what a special treat).
    and it seems there's also some good reading along with sounds - just the way i like it.
    thank you once again for your time and effort. i'll definitely be back.

  3. @ stuckinthe70s: hope you'll like it.
    @ anna: you're always welcome. thanks for your good words.

  4. This album makes me want to walk alone in the wood on fallen leaves to hear the crunchy sounds they make echoing through. Endless thanks for posting this!

  5. Wow! It seems that you've got a special way to describe your emotions. Your comments (both this one and the other for Yma Sumac) lead me to approach these two albums in a new way. Thanks!
