Sunday 8 July 2007

Tortoise - Millions Now Living Will Never Die (1996) (@256)

Taking the opportunity from our previous Slint upload, the following ones will be dedicated to one of my contemporary heroes, David Pajo (aka Papa M, Aerial M etc.). Pajo was (is) a member of Slint and he was also a member of Tortoise during the recording of the magnificent Millions Now Living Will Never Die. One could say that the collaboration of Pajo with John McEntire resulted in Tortoise's best lp.

download link: here

review link: here


  1. ello and tanx alot for this.Very nice.

  2. WOW! Superb quality, absolutely first rate work. This music deserves this kind of enthusiastic promotion. You are ceating new fans for these bands every single day. Thanks!

  3. @stop the city: thanks. glad you liked it
    @anon.: thanks for your good words. Creating new fans for every kind of music was indeed my intention when I was starting this blog.
