Saturday 6 January 2007

Saddam Hussein

(With ironic spirit): Now that Saddam has been executed all the problems in Iraq are automatically solved.
(Without ironic spirit): Those who are responsible for Saddam's execution are now, except the thousands of dead people (both US soldiers and Iraqi people) because of the war, burdened with all Saddam's (unquestionable) crimes. It is also irritating to think that an equally atrocious dictator such as Augusto Pinochet died recently full of years without facing a trial. Different approach depended on who served better our interest...

1 comment:

  1. έτσι ακριβώς,ο Pinochet πέθανε μέσα στη χλιδή στο UK.

    έχουν κι οι δικτάτορες τις κλάσεις τους...
    άλλο ο χριστιανός και "βολεύων" την αστερόεσσα Pinochet κι άλλο ο βρωμιάρης μουσουλμάνος που σκουπίζει τον κώλο του με το αριστερό χέρι
