Sunday 2 May 2010

Various - Don't Mourn-Organize! Songs Of Labor Songwriter Joe Hill (1990) (@320)

It's May Day today. Like in the last year's relevant post, as well as the one from 2007, I feel obliged to honour the people who struggled for better working conditions for all of us. Unfortunately, during the last decade we all witnessed a harsh reduction of the working people's rights that leads us to loose one by one all the rights for which our ancestors fought for. At the same time, in my country, the leaders of the unions didn't rise to the occasion and let the clan of the bankers and the politicians to increase excessively their profits at the expense of all of us, while many of them have used their position to later become members of parliament! With the hope that a new form of struggle is shaping, I'm giving you an album about Joe Hill. Named after his famous last words, it consists of Hill songs performed by important interpreters and songs about Hill, again in historically important performances.

review link: here

download link: here (mirrorcreator) and here (rapidshare)


  1. Many thanks for this post... In France we have the same problem, as the biggest Union Workers (CGT) leader is at Sarkozy's beck and call and go to round tables when those bloody capitalists wants to replace our contributory pension scheme by a funded pension scheme and vote later retirement for workers, saying there's no money for contributory pension while giving millions of euros to stock-market speculators and financial sharks... But we keep the fight !

    PS: sorry for my crappy english

  2. It seems like there is the same problem everywhere. Along with the corrupted union leaders, politicians keep cutting money from the weak to put it in the pockets of those who promote them. It has to be changed, and it will change. Keep up the fight, Faust.

  3. This was a real good listen and thanks for posting it...Joe Hill must have touched a very special place in all those who met him?...I think that place is called social conscience...what I particulary treasure in this listen is hearing the conservational voices...relating small everyday incidents of contact...cos when hearing an anthem and in the closeness of a crowd one can forget that it is the insignifance of a face to face with an individual that can be significant and can make all the difference?...
    Listening to your post makes me proud to look over my shoulder and see that in the past one felt it was one's duty to 'stand up for your rights' and on looking forward sad to see that these 'rights' are being eroded away to a place where 'serfdom' will be the norm again....
    my father took me to a Union/Political meeting in 'old' activist at the front stood up and said, "So you've come for your political education....he proceeded to take out a pack of playing cards...he discarded the celophane..(neatly disposing of it in the tin waste-bin) and took off the top card....he showed it to us all and said, "This is a Joker"...he proceeded to tear it up and toss it into the bin beside the celophane...he then picked up the rest of the pack...he tried to tear them/IT and with many a puff and grunt (ho ho theatrically) he gave up and waving the pack - minus the Joker said, "United we stand..(and pointing to the bin) said "divided we fall"....)...I sort of have never forgotten that Saturday morning of 46 years ago...well that old boy is no longer here to give us his message as he passed on over to the Golden Shore many a year ago... there is no statue to him that I know of...however he is alive here in my finger tips NOW!...Google in "Abe Moffat" from Lumphinnans Fife...and you can read about him....RIP and "long live Abe and Joe Hill and all the other who were THE REAL THING!"
    Thanks for all you do...oh I'm downloading Alex Chilton as I write cos I still "love to boogie"!.....
