Sunday 16 May 2010

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - 4 Way Street (1971) (@320)

It's been a shock reading in the news that the army of Thailand is shooting civilians. It's always the same case... Some arrogant governors, insisting to ignore the voice of the people, believe that by shooting some of the protestor, all mouths will shut. They soon realise that the shootings only make the voice of the people stronger.
It was exactly the same case, almost 40 years ago (on May, 4, 1970) that Nixon's army started shooting on the students of Kent State University, who were protesting against the Vietnam War. The tragic incident led to a flood of student demonstrations and strikes throughout the United States as well as to a 100,000 people demonstration in Washington D.C.

Neil Young wrote the song Ohio based on the Kent State shootings.

4 Way Street, which is uploaded here, contains the live version of Ohio.

info link: here

download link: here (mirrorcreator) and here (rapidshare)

PS For those interested, another brilliant recording of CSN&Y can be found in an older post, here


  1. bad analogy with Thailand. I am right here in Bangkok - soldiers are shooting armed protesters who attack them, they are not shooting innocent unarmed people.

  2. The reaction of the protestors is probably different, but that does not give the right to someone to aim, shoot and kill. I cannot accept shootings as the only alternative against protestors.

  3. You might be interested in eye witness accounts of the Kent State shootings, including by students who were wounded and guardsmen who shot students in Emmy winning documentary "Kent State, The Day The War Came Home." You can find the DVD on Amazon.

  4. Sounds very interesting, Mark. I'll check it out.

  5. Alan,κάτι πρέπει να γράψεις για τον κοντό.


  6. Ronnie James "shorty" Dio να υποθέσω; Αν το βρήκα, έχει μπει ήδη σε σειρά.

  7. When my last pc went to sleep and went over to The Golden Shore...I lost my link to 'Meet the Music Traveller'. I lost all my bookmarks and email address book....I found you again through another blog....

    Thank you for again flagging up May Day...I thank you for this d/l and for the Joe Hill below....

    We all know, or should know that nothing is new in 'struggling against disempowerment' also in the authorities response to any 'people-struggle' need only pause for a moment and reflect on the 'concept' to know that 'authority' when cornered will 'always' at some point look for a 'scape-goat' and 'shoot em down' either 'actually' or in the form of 'character assasination'etc....however, the authorities never seem to get round to 'knowing' that extinguishing one candle simply enflames a million candles...ala, "are you Spartacus"....and one by one we rise and in a clear chorus intone "WE ARE SPARTACUS!!!"

    BUT one sadness I have is: it appears the masses have become so disempowered that there are fewer 'lone' voices around whom one can 'unite' behind....ah the power of the media to simply "Give them bread and Circuses"...and our acquiescence to this enticement?

    Thank you again and I will revisit your wonderful that I have located you again.

  8. I do believe that it is a matter of time for the voices to become massive. Then the scream We Are Spartacus will sound thunderously.

    Thanks Cy for all your insightful comments. I'll be happy to see you back here.
