Wednesday 20 January 2010

Kronos Quartet and Asha Bhosle - You've Stolen My Heart (2005) (@256)

This post comes as a reply to Nicolas, who left a comment on the previous post and filled me with envy for his presence in a concert of the Kronos Quartet with Asha Bhosle. The odd, yet fruitful collaboration between a classical quartet who have given us extremely interesting works in the past and the most famous Indian singer also serves as a top-class tribute to R.D. Burman. Finally, if for some of you the last two names are unknown, you can also check this older post.

review link: here

download link: here


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thanks for the comments!
    I picked this CD up in India for 250 Rupees!
    If you can find it, check out the "Bollywood Funk" album on Outcaste records, it has some classics from Bollywood films, and is very eclectic, very groovy, and very good!

  3. Thanks Nick. I'll definitely check it out.

  4. More Asha Bhosle here:
