Thursday 30 October 2008

Radio Broadcast - The H. G. Wells' War Of The Worlds by Mercury Theatre feat. Orson Welles, October 30, 1938 (@256)

It's been 70 years from the notorious radio broadcast that dramatised the H. G. Wells' novel "The War Of The Worlds". The broadcast was directed by Orson Welles who he also played the role of professor Pierson. Since most of the part of the broadcast was in the form of news bulletins of developing events that were reporting an invasion of aliens from Mars, many listeners actually believed it to be true.
While the broadcast certainly fulfilled its entertainment intentions, it is also sure that it's been used many times since as a framework for social manipulation through the mass media.

Images scanned from the highly recommended book The Complete War of the Worlds - Mars' Invasion of Earth from H.G. Wells to Orson Welles (Brian Holmsten & Alex Lubartozzi).

download link: here


  1. εκπληκτικό το link alan f!!! thanx!

  2. hi ta for a great blog site very imformative and a great crossection of vibes
    thanks again phil
    ps have you come across any south american surf albums/blogs?

  3. thanks Phil. I think you should restart your blog as well. With 10000 vinyls I'm sure there's plenty of interesting stuff for uploading. Unfortunatelly I don't regard myself as a specialist in south american surf.

  4. thanx για το σχόλιο kostask

  5. Wow!!! It's been quite a few decades since I've heard this. Thank You what a great Blog I've stumbled into.

  6. thanks dabode. glad you liked it.
