Wednesday 22 October 2008

OST - Mame (1974) (@256)

We read from "David Bowie's 1972 album 'The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars' has been voted the gayest album of all time by a panel of "gay experts". polled a panel including Boy George, Rufus Wainwright and Cyndi Lauper to determine the 100 most homosexual albums of all time, with Bowie's effort emerging as Number One.
According to the compilers, albums included were "not only records by queer musicians but also any records that have had relevance to those voting".
The Smiths have two albums in the top ten and a total of four in the top40 (while Morrissey has another one in the top100), Madonna has five albums in the top100, Queen and Bowie have from three albums each. To read the whole story go here.
Well, this poll reminded me of a similar list that was compiled by Sirius satellite radio DJ Frank DeCaro in order to determine the gayest song ever. The title went to Jerry Herman 's "Bosom Buddies" as sung by Lucille Ball and Beatrice Arthur for the soundtrack for the 1974 movie version of Mame.

Again, Smiths and Bowie are present, sharing number 10 of the list. To see the respective list go here. As for "Bosom Buddies", I think that the homosexual references are not so apparent, apart from the lyric "I'll always be Alice Toklas, If you'll be Gertrude Stein".

album review link: here

download link: here


  1. Thanks, man. Really like your blog, too. Always great to see someone doing something just a bit different! (And this comp seems awesome!)

  2. thanks Peter. you've got a very interesting blog yourself.

  3. Thanks. It's as gay as I was hoping! And this blog is great. Background info is so much appreciated.

  4. thanks for your good words anon.
