Sunday 13 January 2008

Helmet - Meantime (1992) (@256)

During 2007, I uploaded a series of albums that were relevant to albums I liked. These were the latest releases from Klaxons, White Stripes, Rufus Wainwright, the Enemy and the Good the Bad and the Queen. Nevertheless, I could not help myself from referring to two more. The first one is Battles' Mirrored. Apart from their stunning album, there are many triumphant reviews about their live performances, and many claim that it is John Stanier 's drumming ability that sets the framework of their live sound. John Stanier was a member of Helmet, whose album Meantime is uploaded here.

album review link (allmusic): here

download link: here


  1. bought it on cassette in 1992 ?
    when it came out
    one of my metal stuff i still like today
    thanks for the good work

  2. thanks for your good words B.
