Sunday 13 January 2008

Alvino Rey & His Orchestra - King Of The Guitar - 26 original mono recordings 1940-1949 (@256)

So, the album I liked most in 2007 was Arcade Fire's Neon Bible. A powerful, melodic, equally anthemic and approximable, witty, straightforward and at the same time with well-hidden treasures, it is an album that sets very high standards for the band.
Although one could claim that Arcade Fire work as a collective rather than a sum of individual musicians, it is Win Butler that, apart from co-founder, is the unquestionable frontman. Alvino Rey, a charismatic swing-era guitarist who is often credited as the father of the pedal steel guitar, was his grandfather.

P.S. Holy Fuck's album was also a revelation to me, but unfortunately I cannot find a relevant album to upload. Any ideas?

album review link (allmusic): here

download link: here (mirrorcreator) or here (rapidshare)


  1. Baikonour - For the Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos (2005)

    Similar sound...
    Can't think anythning older... :-(

  2. don't know it. I'll check it out. Thanks

  3. Cheers, man! Alvino Rey was a pioneer in his day.
