Saturday 17 March 2007

Solidarity to Ungdomshuset

They think that they have won. It is true that they won this battle. What they do not know is that they have added a very significant quantity of water to the river of rage that will overflow and flush them all. It is for sure that the pictures/videos of demonstrations and later of the demolition of Ungdomshuset made many people to start THINKING. Thinking that by sitting back for so long, by not acting to anything is forced to us, we have turned our governments/ police/ tax authorities/ corporations to become ruthless. Little by little, by any such battle lost, at various spots on the planet, the dots are gradually connected to form a dense web. But due to their complete arrogance, they are still unable to see this web. When they will realise its existence, it will be too late. The noise they will do when they collapse will be 1 million times stronger from the noise of the demolition of Ungdomshuset. ACT UP.

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