Friday 16 February 2007

Master Musicians Of Joujouka - Brian Jones Presents The Pipes Of Pan At Joujouka (1971) (@256)

'Gig of the month: Master Musicians of Jejouka
Saturday, November 25
We found ourselves outside a big, red-painted wooden door, at the village Jejouka, outside Ksar El Kebir. In the middle of nowhere. The car wasn't gasping, it was just looking at us with its engine on. We mumbled something like "we came for the music" and this was enough to open to us the gateways. Bashir Attar welcomed us. Brian Jones -RIP- mentally sparked off, and we faced the pipes of Pan and a trance that still makes me dream that very night as one of the experiences for which I wish to live long enough to be able to describe it for the rest of my life. How can they play for so many hours and yet make time stop? Is there any other better free jazz band nowadays, and how can anyone who doesn't understand what free jazz means to catch the meaning with the words being worthless? I got the meaning of it, when later on I started talking with a kid who learns next to these great, self-taught teachers, committed to tradition and to their excitement. "I still don't get it... they play for hours and then the only thing they do is to light a cigarette. I play for 45 minutes, and then I feel dizzy and sick. I though "you'll get to this point kid", and I shook his hand'
Vasiliki Panagiotou, Sonik mag, issue 24, p.12

download link (with inner sleeve info): here

review link (allmusic): here


  1. Great record, many thanks for sharing. I was looking for it for years!!!
    Many, many thanks and best regards!

  2. thanks for such a great album, brian jones was the best

  3. thank you all for your comments. Great album indeed.
