Wednesday 6 February 2013

Rapidshare problem is fixed

I just realised that from Jan. 15, it wasn't possible to download anything from rapidshare, unless the files were done public. So, there you go. Everything is available again. Enjoy!


  1. I think I had the same problem, how do you set them to public?

  2. 1) Upper right hand corner, on your username, select “account overview” from the drop-down menu.
    2) Right hand side of the overview, edit and select a name for user alias and another name for folder alias and save
    3) You go to File Manager. Left hand side, right click on “My Folders” to create a new one (if you haven’t already). Select all your files and put them in the newly created folder.
    4) Right click on the newly created folder with all your files in it (or in the case you already have folders, repeat this step for all your existing subfolders of “My Folders”), and select “Privileges”.
    5) There you have three options to select. For someone else than the user to be able to download you have to select the box under the downward arrow. As you’ll see there, the “eye” selection is for someone else other than you to be able to see all the contents of this specific folder, and the upstream arrow gives the possibility to others to upload stuff in this folder. Obviously, I’ve chosen only the download option. After you choose one or more of the options there, you save and it’s ok.

    Hope that helped

    PS1 This current change in rapidshare gives me the sense that things will become even tighter for us bloggers. I guess it's an obligation set by some hyenas-lawyers to rapidshare, as a first step of their actions to follow.
    PS2 Keep up the good work, David.

  3. Thanks! I never would've figured that out on my own, holy hell.

  4. Ολοι την πατήσαμε,αλλά τα καταφέραμε στο τέλος

  5. Το σπάσιμο, Κώστα, είναι ότι δεν ειδοποιηθήκαμε. Διαπιστώσαμε τυχαία ότι κανείς δεν μπορούσε να κατεβάσει τίποτα απ' τις 15/1 και το rapidshare θεώρησε ότι δεν χρειάζεται να το γνωστοποιήσει στους εγγεγραμένους χρήστες του... Άσε και που όπως είπα στον David, μου φαίνεται ότι θα πρέπει να περιμένουμε και άλλα επεισόδια στο σήριαλ που μόλις ξεκίνησε και που λέγεται "πως το rapidshare θα σταματήσει να είναι χρήσιμο στους bloggers".
