Saturday 22 December 2012

Joe Strummer - His 80's soundtrack songs

10 years today without Joe Strummer. "His mentality, morality and talent remain a shining light", I was writing 5 years ago. I don't think there is anything more to add.
The offered upload contains Strummer songs from three 80's soundtracks: Permanent Record, Straight To Hell and Sid & Nancy. The soundtrack of Walker scored as a whole by Strummer will be the subject of a future post.

1. Trash City
2. Baby The Trans
3. Nefertiti Rock
4. Nothin' 'Bout Nothin'
5. Theme from Permanent Record
6. Evil Darling
7. Ambush At Mystery Rock
8. Love Kills
9. Dum Dum Club
Tracks 1-5 from Permanent Record OST, 6-7 from Straight To Hell OST and 8-9 from Sid & Nancy OST

download link (rapidshare) or download link (mirrorcreator)

His first album, Earthquake Weather was the subject of an older post, while there is also a very interesting Strummer intreview to Andy Kershaw from 1999. The Clash were the subject of some posts as well: here, here and here


  1. Θεός ο Strummer . Θεός!!!

  2. The opinions are so awesome, I really like viewing all over the earth so much that is why I find travel agents that was having a awesome encounter in way of life.

  3. Crapidshare. please upload it somewhere else. pretty please.

  4. Any reliable webhosts to propose, mietek?

  5. Mietek, the link is active. What's wrong?

  6. Anyway, as you'll see it's reuploaded. I'd like though to tell me the kind of problem you faced.


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