Friday 12 October 2012

Re-activating dead links - last part

With the addition of the missing links of 2010, 2011 and 2012, the reactivation project is now complete. Please report any dead links; now with mirrorcreator it's very time-consuming to check them myself again and again.
It's been some time since the last post with fresh material so within the next few days new stuff should be expected. I salute you all.


  1. And I salute you! What a fantastic effort reposting all that material. Well done.

    It sounds as if you expect that a few of the links may fail - well I found one - Kate & Anna McGarrigle - Dancer with Bruised Knees (1977)posted on Thursday, 25 March 2010.

    I am very keen to get this album to go with their beautiful 1st (for which I thank you)

    Keep up the good work. Mick from Oz

  2. I did expect it and thanks for the notice, Mick. Unfortunately, right now I don't have access to my record collection so please be patient aprox. until 20-25 November when I will be able to upload it again.

  3. re-uploaded, Mick. Better late than never as they say.
