Wednesday 11 April 2012

Disaster, disaster, disaster

My mediafire account is suspended. Of course nothing can be done now to restore the damage done, but I was expecting if someone wanted one of my uploads to be removed, to request-demand it through an email or a comment (needless to say that all such demands up to now were satisfied without any objection), and not to suspend my whole account. To be honest though, when I started this blog I had in my mind that something like that would happen.
This blog will continue, because most of all it is a labour of love. New posts will appear, while for any re-uploading requests please comment in order to put some priorities; just be patient please. I need some time to get back properly. See you all soon.

PS Does anybody know any reliable hosting site, instead of mediafire? Do not mention rapidshare, I prefer whoever is to download not to pay a subscription.


  1. Damn. It looks like several good blogs bit it today. Glad to hear you're keeping at it.

  2. Same thing happened to my MediaFire account - no warning or request to remove "suspect" files (which i would have happily done). All seems a little Draconian to me... Hope you find an alternative solution!


  4. Hello Music Traveller,
    When the hammers are out, make sure you are not the fly on the anvil.
    When the wind blows in the wrong direction, make sure you are wheat not chaff.
    When Big Brother goes ahunting, make sure you are not caught alone.
    The Cyber world reflects images from Woody Guthrie's mirror,ie £$'s hit the little guy whilst robbing with a fountain pen?
    When all goes wrong try to be on the other side of the notice "NO TRESPASSING"...cos on it it don't say nothing.

    Respect from Cy at Pck

  5. Are you advising me to stop, CY?

  6. Dear Alan f
    No...I was simply reacting to the cynical times encroaching upon us one and all. 2012 should be heralding in freedoms not making the 'Common Man' feel isolated.

    "Keep on Keeping On" was not just a great mantra for the 1960's it is my advice to you today. Your blog helps keep the flame alive.
    Respect from Scotland

  7. Δεν εξηγείτε αλλιώς...μάλλον είναι η κατάρα της Etta James, αυτό που συμβαίνει ΚΑΙ σε σένα...Ρίξε μια ματιά εδώ,
    και εδώ,, και θα καταλάβεις τι εννοώ. Δεν πειράζει, δεν κολόνουμε και συνεχίζουμε.

  8. Cy, thanks for your answer.

    Electric Looser, φαίνεται ότι ο θάνατος της Etta συνέπεσε με το ντου στο mediafire και στο blogger, δεν εξηγείται αλλιώς. Συνεχίζουμε δυνατά μάλλον με mirrorcreator, εκεί έχω καταλήξει.
    Btw υπέροχο το blog σου, δεν το είχα δει μέχρι τώρα, σε έβαλα στο blogroll μου.

    Thank you all for your comments and your support.

  9. hey alan, keep on it! if possible, re-up the peel sessions from PJ Harvey... i love her! bye bye, from brazil!
