Sunday 26 June 2011

Bob Dylan - Folk Rogue 1964-1965

It's always tough when trying to have a post about artists and groups with tremendous importance such as Dylan since I believe that whoever is seriously interested in music will own at least 12-15 Dylan albums. So, avoiding to upload something from his official discography, here is one of the very many Dylan bootlegs circulating among fans, considered by many as one of the best ones both in sound quality and in recorded material.

review link: here

download link: here (link removed)


  1. Awesome, keep the Dylan coming. Love it!

    I wouldn't mind another radio hour or two ;)

  2. Thank you muchly for this one. I have close to 100 albums by Dylan, but not this one.
    Thanks again.
    Keep up this great spot on the web.

  3. hi from cy
    not sure if I have any of this??? but thanks for posting the main regards from Scotland
    Cy at Pck

  4. @David: Although I didn't plan to do so, such a request from one of the most frequent commentators here cannot remain unsatisfied!

    @Same as it ever was: One hundred?! I considered myself a hardcore fan with only 55. Thanks once more for your good words.

    @Cy: Greetings, Cy. Glad you liked it.
