Wednesday 25 November 2009

Tartit - Ichichila (2000) (@256)

I'm not the only one that I consider Tinariwen's "Imidiwan: Companions" one of the best albums of the year. Their impressive blues version is evidently a sound that could be created only by these former desert warriors that replaced their riffles with electric guitars.

Tartit is a group that, as with Tinariwen, are Tuaregs (or Tamasheks as they prefer to be called). The former's melodic, meditative and rural style and the latter's raw, intense and powerful one, are simply the two sides of the same coin.

review link: here

download link (with booklet info): here

1 comment:

  1. thank you for the presentation of Tartit . . never heard it before . .

    solong : Bill Bo
