Friday 18 September 2009

Ravi Shankar & Ali Akbar Khan - In Concert 1972 (1972) (@256)

Ali Akbar Khan sadly passed away recently. He was a true master in sarod (a smaller relative of the sitar) and one of the musicians that introduced Indian classical music to western audiences. He first played in the US in 1955, while he was the first Indian musician to appear on an American TV broadcast.
This upload finds him performing live along with his brother-in-law Ravi Shankar at the Philarmonic Hall of New York, on 8 October 1972. The result is absolutely mesmerising.

download link: here


  1. Forgive me for taking so long to thank you for this - a beautiful recording. Thanks also for all the many other rarities and well-considered musical choices on your blog.

  2. thanks for your good words, Tom.

  3. Many thanks for this, it's great to find such a rare OOP recording.
