Monday 6 April 2009

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Electric Ladyland (1968) (@256)

There are two (bad) reasons for uploading an Experience album. The first one is the news I read about the demolition of the house where Jimi Hendrix spent some of the years of his youth (from the age of 10 to13) and where he first discovered music. The house is across the street from the site where Hendrix is buried. I strongly believe that such places of high cultural importance should be preserved, regardless the contractual implications or their condition. It seems that the city body didn't bother enough to save this landmark site.
The second reason is the death of the drummer of Jimi Hendrix Experience, Mitch Mitchell on November 2008. No further comments could be done for one of the most important drummers of the 60's other than the following (by Richie Unterberger in allmusic). "Mitchell was not a mere sideman to Hendrix, but an important collaborator. Always changing rhythms, never predictable, he was also flexible enough to bounce off and respond to Hendrix's own original solo lines. (...) Ultimately, Mitchell was the musician with whom Hendrix had the most important and sustained creative relationship out of the many people he led or supported, both onstage and on record."

album review link: here

download link: here (link removed)


  1. The link is dead???

  2. Unfortunately yes. I've uploaded it three times and after a few days from each upload it disappears. I'll give it a last try.

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  8. Wooowwwwwnnn...find your mind...find your head...
    This is the good one...The guitar of Hendrix, the groove of Stevie Winwood and Al Kooper...The girls on the cover...
    Probably, the only thing the human being needs to be happy is to be stupid (Sartre?). I don't want to be happy.
    I want to listen 'Electric Ladyland' and read blogs like the Music Traveler.
    Thanks a lot, Alan. Best regards.

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