Wednesday 4 February 2009

Julian 'Cannonball' Adderley - Somethin' Else (1958) (@256)

I started to build up a Blue Note compilation, to celebrate the company's 70th birthday. I soon found out that I was working in vain! First of all, I realised that it would be wrong to pick up tracks from Blue Note albums, since the latter work as entities rather than sums of separate tracks. Then, we are talking about a vast discography. Even if someone chooses only the essentials (from which I do not own many of them), he will end up with an unsolved dilemma of which one to pick and which one to leave.I know that for those that own more than ten jazz albums, Somehtin' Else is one of them. But let's give the chance to many music fans that are reluctant to approach jazz, to give it a try with one of the strongest jazz albums ever and one of the seminal recordings of the 20th century.

album info link: here

download link: here (link removed)


  1. I read about this historic moment. Decided to check out the music. Its such a cool kodak moment. Thank you for sharing!!

  2. If, you don't mind me asking, what made you buy this album?

  3. In a word, WOW! This album is awesome! The Music definitely represents what was taking place during the 60's & 70's. This album is timeless! I LOVE THIS ALBUM!! Again, thanks for sharing! ♥

  4. I did not download Cannonball album. I posted the above comments to the wrong album. The above post was meant for the, "Stand up and be counted" album. Sorry!!
