Saturday 22 November 2008

Not In Our Name

The greek text in the previous post is about the massive protest taking place in the form of hunger strike by thousands of prisoners in the Greek jails (1, 2). It is their only mean, a voiceless scream, asking for guaranteed basic human rights for all prisoners. They are protesting for the unreasonably high death rates among them, for the overpopulated prisons (there are cases where the ratio is 1 m2/prisoner) with 'medieval' infrastructure, for the totally inadequate health care service, for the terrible meals. A relevant report carried out by the European Committee in 2007, revealed (once more) severe cases of ill- treatment of detained persons by law enforcement officials. Based on similar reports the European Court of Human Right has found in many cases Greece guilty for human right violations of prisoners by law enforcement officials.
The prisoners have started a petition named 'Not In Our Name', that will be handled to the Greek Parliament and to a number of Greek & International Media (you can read the english translation of the greek supporting text here). They are asking for our support by signing the petition.


  1. Thank you for making me aware of this. I signed the petition.

  2. thanks Tomas, and thanks from the struggling prisoners themselves
