Saturday 6 September 2008

Steve Wynn & Linda Pitmon with Silver & the Hidden Cash

Ok, I'm biased. But how can someone resist to such delightful "hybrid of the Pogues and a Pete Seeger hootenanny" as Steve Wynn defined his one-off (?) backing band Silver & the Hidden Cash at his recent gig in Ioannina, Greece.
But let's better read the whole thing from Mr. Wynn himself.
"I was told that they would be happy to learn some of my songs and back me up for part of my set. I chose some songs that were easy to learn-Carolyn, Kerosene Man and Manhattan Fault Line-and decided to give it a shot. When the band got a hold of The Baseball Project they asked to do a couple of songs off that as well so I tossed in Past Time and Fernando.
Well, the band learned every part and every note and every harmony from each of those songs. It was quite impressive. They even gave me and Linda Greek nicknames for the night to offset their own English nicknames (check out their website - -- and you'll see what I'm talking about, although it might be all Greek to you-sorry, couldn't resist). It was a festive night. 1000 people in the Ioannina town square, a bright moon shining down and the show followed by an endless array of squid, tzatziki, grilled meats, wine, beer and other delights, a bacchanalian orgy that went until about 3:30am."

To my biggest regret I couldn't attend (I had to change diapers etc. at the same time while in my holidays) but I feel that most probably I'll have a second chance in the near future.

P.S. @Shc: You are destined to stardom. Κονγκρατσουλέισονς.


  1. Hi mate, it really was a magical night!!!

  2. Καλώς επανήλθατε και περαστικά. Και για το κρύωμα και για τη Manchester City... Ωραία κόντρα θα έχουμε και φέτος... Να είσαι καλά. Είμαι σίγουρος ότι άκουσες τη δισκάρα από Kim Novak...


  3. @ποιμεναρχης
    Τι έγινε ρε ψυχή; Ζεις; Τι κάνεις; χρόνια και ζαμάνια. Όσο για τους (;) Kim Novak, πρέπει να σου ομολογήσω ότι Kim Novak ξέρω μόνο την τύπισα απ'το Vertigo. Θα τους τσεκάρω όμως.
