Friday 15 February 2008

5 years from the biggest demonstration ever/ Deus Ex Macina - Execute/ Iraq 'n' Roll (7'') (1992) (@256)

It was on 15 Feb. 2003 when 10 million people worldwide demonstrated against the war that Bush Jr. and his clan were about to begin. It has been proved that all these people were right and the US (and UK) governors were wrong, since the US army has entered into a situation where now either leaving or staying is already treated as a defeat, while the money spent is enormous (aprox. $494 billion and rising). Most importantly, 700,000 Iraquis and almost 4,000 US soldiers have lost their lives, while there are also 4 million refugees and 60,000 wounded US soldiers. Under these figures, the phrase "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction" is officially the most expensive (in both human lives and money) lie ever.

System Of A Down's video of "Boom" is a brilliant documentary about that day.

Finally, here is a 7-inch single from Deus Ex Macina which was released during the first war in Iraq. Apart from the single itself being one of the best of the 90's, it's b-side called 'Iraq 'n' Roll', remains tragically up-to-date.

"The whole world is going to have a ball
everybody's dancing Iraq 'n' Roll
the party starts now
downtown Baghdad
here comes the DJ
he's american

Blood flooding
people running
soldiers crying
children dying

The name of this party is
3rd world war
troops are dancing
Iraq 'n' Roll
it's not my fault
it's not your fault
everybody's falling in
a psycho grinding halt"

download link: here (mirrorcreator) or here (rapidshare)

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