Monday 17 December 2007

Baka Beyond - Spirit Of The Forest (1994) (@256)

Well, I can't think of a most suitable album to dedicate to all those guys that took part in the talks that took place in Bali, Indonesia about climate change. As always, the US and China, the two largest CO2 emitters, didn't bind themselves on doing any significant improvement on their current situation. It is indeed a matter of will of some governors to make things better; the new labour government of Australia who agreed to ratify the Kyoto protocol, (isolating the US as the only developed nation outside the pact) proves such. On the other hand I feel ashamed for our Greek government, who's environmental minister was absent, and his deputy showed up only during the last few days of the conference while Greece is already off-target to meet its Kyoto commitments by 2012, as well as its European Union clean energy commitments in 2010 and 2020. It is also one of the worst EU offenders in terms of climate protection performance.

album review link (allmusic): here

download link: here

1 Spirit Of The Forest
2 The Man Who Danced Too Slowly
3 Ngombi
4 Baka Play Baka
5 Nahwia
6 Eeye Be (Elephant Song)
7 Canya Jam
8 Bounaka

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for helping me rediscover this record; it's gorgeous, and other-worldly.
