Monday 5 November 2007

Damo Suzuki & Now - The London Evening News (2004) (@224)

Here is a review by Nick Southgate from Wire magazine:
"Bob Dylan is not the only artist on a neverending tour: Damo Suzuki picks up a different outfit at every stop, and in March 2004 at London's Bull & Gate, he hooked up with Now, who had already been forging their own melange of Krautrock, synth pop and lo-fi for a few years. The result is an explosive set that holds well against anything Suzuki recorded in or outside of Can.
The album creeps into life as Damo's guttural whispers and stutters get "Knopp Off" into gear. The group knock themselves into shape one rimshot and wah-snag at a time until the piece rolls itself into a shuddering, funky whole. "Metro Girl" has a tinny hi-hat tempo, swaying with low-slung bass and mangled disco-zaps from the keyboard. "One And One Equal One" is another honourable entry in 'the short history of poor mathematics in rock' and is also a hypnotic slice of motorik fuzz to boot. Its followed up by the one downbeat moment on the album, "Acid Test", a slow paced fragmentary lament. The closing workout is the magnificent "The Zero Game", an ARP synth-loop fued bounce boogie with a two-note guitar part that Michael Karoli would have been proud of. In the latter stages it features that rarest and most precious of things - some psych trumpet playing that adds a glorious spray of Technicolor energy not heard since The Beatles' far-out excursion "Its All Too Much".

Damo Suzuki
Now - the Band

download link: here


  1. Thanks very much for these Damos. Keep 'm coming,


  2. Yes, indeed. Thank you very much. Damo is great.

  3. this is not damo - this is CAN

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. thanks for your comments. glad you liked this post.
